'All for one'에 해당되는 글 6125건

  1. 2009.04.22 Cecilia - Amazing Grace
  2. 2009.04.22 Everything Is Energy
  3. 2009.04.21 Sumi Jo - "I Dreamt I Dwelt In Marble Halls"
  4. 2009.04.21 St. Louis Blues March
  5. 2009.04.21 Эх, Дороги! (Ekh, Dorogi!)
  6. 2009.04.21 BoA - I Did It For Love
  7. 2009.04.21 Josh Groban - "You Are Loved"
  8. 2009.04.20 James Bowman "Ombra Mai Fu"(나무그늘 아래서)
  9. 2009.04.20 Michael Hoppe - Silent of Stars
  10. 2009.04.20 Wim Mertens - Struggle for Pleasure
  11. 2009.04.19 Universities With Free Courses Online
  12. 2009.04.19 David Darling - Dawn

Cecilia - Amazing Grace


Amazing grace how sweet the sound

놀라운 은총이여. 그 얼마나 달콤한 소리인가.
That saved a wretch like me.
나같은 만신창이도 살려주네.
I once was lost but now am found,
한 때 잃었지만 지금은 찾았다네.
Was blind but now I see.
눈 멀었었지만 지금은 보인다네.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
그 은총이 내 마음에 두려움을 알게해주었고
And grace my fears relieved,
또한 그것이 그 두려움을 없애주었네.
How precious did that grace appear,
이 얼마나 값진 일인가!
The hour I first believed.
내가 처음 믿었던 그 순간, 은총이 드러났음이.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
숱한 위험과 고통과 유혹을 지나
I have already come.
나는 왔다네.
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
은총이 나를 이곳까지 무사히 데려다주었네.
And grace will lead me home.
그리고 은총이 나의 고향으로 인도할 것이네.

Everything Is Energy


Time, space, and matter. 

Matter seems like a good place to begin. 
The solidity of the world seems totally indisputable.
As a fixed thing that you can see and touch, 
your body is also reassuring the solid.

But beginning with Einstein, modern physics have assured us that 
this solidity is a mirage. After all the bodies are made up of atoms, 
and these items are particles that whirling at lightening speeds 
around huge empty spaces. 

And particles aren't material objects, they are fluctuations of energy 
and information in the huge void of energy and information.

And if you can see the body as it really is, you would see that 
99.9999% of it is mostly empty space. 
And the 0.00001% of it which you see as matter is also empty space.

The matter is just an illusion. An artifact of our perceptual experiencess. 
As you sift through this very solid looking material body, 
you only have to go so far before you end up with handful of nothing.

This is a scientific fact. 

The questions is what is this nothingness? 
What is this empty space that makes up everything in existence? 

Because it is very clear the basic raw material of the universe 
is that it is not material. The essential stuff of the universe is non-stuff. 
Because the atom, which is the basic unit of matter is not really a solid entity.
It's a void. 

But is this void a emptiness?
Or could it be the womb of creation itself?
Could it be the source of life itself?
Is this non-stuff non-matter that makes up the entire universe just emptiness? 
Or is it thinking non-stuff thinking non-matter that curves back 
within its own self and creates everything in existence?

From matter to energy, and from time to space. 
As you disect through the body the various layers of organs, tissues, 
cells, molecules, and atoms peel away until the sub-atomic realm 
all that remains are bundles of energy vibrations.

The nerve receptors in the body are switching stations that can take 
energy vibrations and turn them into touch, sight, sound, and so-on.

Sumi Jo - "I Dreamt I Dwelt In Marble Halls"


St. Louis Blues March


Эх, Дороги! (Ekh, Dorogi!)


BoA - I Did It For Love


Josh Groban - "You Are Loved"


James Bowman "Ombra Mai Fu"(나무그늘 아래서)


Michael Hoppe - Silent of Stars


Wim Mertens - Struggle for Pleasure


Universities With Free Courses Online


Top 10 Universities With Free Courses Online

#1 UC Berkeley

Ranked as the #1 public school in the United States, Berkeley offers podcasts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing. Each course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. For printable assignments and notes you can check the professors homepage, which is usually given in the first lecture or google his name. Even though the notes, homework and tests are not directly printed in the berkeley website, as they are in MIT and other courseware sites, it's not a problem to find them. I personally tried to use it for John Wawrzynek's machine structures class and the nutrition courses.
Visit: Berkeley Webcasts
Visit: UC Berkeley on Google Video


Getting The Most From Berkeley Webcasts

Berkeley Videos are in .rm format and real player can be a pain. It asks you to register real player, spawns on startup. Instead, download a free program called media player classic with the real alternative plugin. Media player classic is fully featured and much easier on the computers memory. The real alternative plugin download seems to come with an older version of media player classic, so updating media classic is optional.
Download: Real Alternative Plugin
Download: Media Player Classic For Windows XP/2000
Download: Media Player Classic For Windows 98/ME


#2 MIT Open Courseware

 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ranked 7th nationally in the United States. Many of the courses do not have video lectures. Instead, they have notes in PDF format along with tests and homework.
Visit: MIT OpenCourseware Course Listings
Visit: MIT OpenCourseware Online Textbooks
Visit: MIT Courses With Video Lectures
Visit: MITWorld Public Videos
Visit: MIT Pocast: ZigZag


Getting the Most Out of MIT OCW

Since MIT OCW is heavily based on opening PDF files it's recommended you download FoxIt Reader, a freeware PDF reader that's many times faster than the bulky and slow adobe acrobat. Also Ghost Script in combination with GSView is able to read pdfs, and post scripts files.
Download: Foxit Reader


#3 Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative

 Carnegie Mellon is a private research university ranked equal with Berkeley. Though registration is not required they have a registered user mode that allows you to keep track of your scores and progress. Currently 11 courses are offered. The courses are basically ebooks in a frame-based easy to use navigation system with an occasional powerful interactive Java Applet! for practice and testing.
Visit: Carnegie Mellon OLI


#4 Utah State OpenCourseWare

 Utah State has a very familiar structure as MIT OCW with large available course listing.
Visit: Utah State Course Listings


#5 Tufts OpenCourseWare

 Tufts University in Massachusetts has a very familiar structure as MIT OCW with large available course listing.
Visit: Utah State Course Listings


#6 Openlearn

 European site called Open University's OpenLearn supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Contains many online course and a different style content management system. I was unable to find anything interactive or any streaming media, though it does have forums for each course. Appears to function mostly as a large educational ebook library.
Visit: OpenLearn



 Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health offers health based lecture notes and assigments. You'll find the JHSPH OCW website uses the same familiar navigation structure as MIT OCW. The notes are formatted much more cleanly but I haven't seen exams, and their search bar seems to be broken.
Visit: JHSPH OCW Course Listings
Visit: Johns Hopkins University Podcasts


#8 Connexions

 CNX.org is an open-content library of course materials developed by Rice University. It has a huge database of content which is very useful for people who know what they're looking for. It does have ebook style higher level courses courses you can choose from.
Visit: Connexions
Visit: Connexions Browse

#9 Sophia

 Initiative is led by Foothill College which contains 8 free courses.
Visit: Sofia


#10 University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering

 Contains posted lectures and classnotes. Some of the courses even contain video lectures.
Visit: UW CSE Course Webs


Notre Dame OpenCourseware

Just found out about this one.
Visit: Notre Dame OpenCourseWare



 From the creators of wikipedia, Wikiversity describes itself as being a community seeking to create and use learning materials and activities. Wikibooks is also incredibly powerful already containing everything from a detailed guide to learning French to Organic Chemistry and Nanotechnology.
Visit: Wikiversity
Visit: Wikibooks


Archive.org Education

Contains 1354 educational resources at the time of posting.
Visit: Archive.org Education


Honorable Mention: Peoi.org

Visit: Peoi.org


More University Video Sites


Academic Earth


* 출처: http://www.jimmyr.com/blog



David Darling - Dawn
